Friday, 9 June 2017

8 cool seo startegies for blogger

Blogger is a free blogging platform owned by Google which has a plenty of nice features for a beginner and is proven to make you money easily.

If you have still not created your blog then you can how to make it here.  

Blogger definitely rules out the market to become one of the most favored platforms to start one's blogging career.

That's why I too choose it. To know more about Free Blogging platforms you can check this.

The Ultimate Cheatsheet Of Free Blogging Platform.

So to kickstart your blog by making it search engine friendly I have brought to you the 8 coolest Seo strategies recommended by top Blogspot users who rank on the search engine.

To make sure you don't forget anyone of the strategies I  have a  cool infographic ready for it. Share this wonderful piece of work to aware Blogspot users about Seo.

1) Get Domain Name related to your    

If you search anything on Google and notice the results, you will see that the URL of different websites on the first page have the keyword related to your search.

The Blog that has its domain name related to its name has higher DOMAIN AUTHORITY(DA).

(The more your DA score the more chances that your blog would be in the # 1 Page on search engines for a search result.)

Reality check -> I searched for cool bikes on Google.

Viewing the first page you can find that #1 is occupied by icebike.

It's good to have a name related to your niche but there is not any issue if you have another name that is sweet & simple and can be created as a brand.

But be careful while choosing domain name because it is going to become a brand.

2) Submit sitemap

As the name indicates it is like a map of your Blog that contains all the links of your site that provide an easy to crawl environment for Search Engine crawler.

Earlier it was one of the recommended ways to increase the traffic but then also it still works.

Blogger has the feature of creating a sitemap. But you can create your own and submit.

You may create or depend on the blogger and miss out the opportunity of crawling your site by Google.

Check out my post

Boost your Organic Traffic by submitting sitemap to know how many times I have increased the rate of my test site by submitting a sitemap.

3) Set your robots header tags

This is for custom search robots of Google, Bing etc to tell them how to crawl your site.

Your site is never going to come in the search results if you don't tell search bots what your site is.

Just follow the steps to set your robots header tags.
  •  Log into your blogger account.
  • Go to settings.
  • Then select search preferences.
  • Now click on edit custom robots header tags.
  • now select the following boxes.

  • all- it tells that there are no restrictions on how to crawl your site.(by default this is automatically selected)
  • noindex- there are search pages and archives in blogs and you should not index them on search results, this attribute does the same.
  • noodp- you tell that your site is not an open directory project where people submit their site.
4) Customizing Permalink

If you want to add some keywords in your post URL that goes missing when your post title is long then this feature will be a great help for you.

Suppose your post title is "How to loose 70 kg without any effort at home".
Then at home is left in the URL which is a very good keyword for this Title.
So what you can do is select Custom Permalink and then edit it.

This is a simple step to get more search engine traffic for a targeted keyword.

5) Set your Meta description

This is one of the easiest way to let search engine bots easily understand that what your site is about.

It is also one of the techniques that work very well for a unique niche.

As there is less competition for a very strange topic so as soon as  let search engines know that you have some quality content for such a niche, the sooner you will make it, the earlier you get most of the search traffic.

I have seen many newbies fail to recognize how important this technique is?

Now for setting Meta descriptions follow this steps->
  • Go to settings > search preferences.
  • Under Meta tags the first one is Description.
  • Click on edit.
  • Enable search description.
  • Then describe what your Blog is about.
  • And then click save changes. 
You should set a simple and effective Meta tag something like mine.

6) Internal Linking

Linking your own post with other posts via links is called Internal linking.

Internal Linking is not only a way to drive traffic for high traffic post to low traffic.

It also has an SEO aspect. Studies have shown that sites with more managed internal linking rank well than other sites with less managed internal linking on search engines.

Managed Internal linking means inbound text links i.e you don't add the link directly instead you add the link to the inbound text of your post. 

Both works well but inbound text links are considered to increase Domain Authority to a great extent.

If you look at authoriative sites most of them use inbound text links for internal linking.

7) Optimize your Images

You should name the images that you use in your post similar to your post title.

Having image name similar to your title tells search engine 
that if your content ie relevant to the title or not?

There should also be alt text which would be shown when the image can't be loaded by client's server.

Make the alt text also related to your post title.

Have you notice that there is an image tab below Google search box?

Here images are ranked and displayed and contains from which site it comes and there is backlinks on that image.

So if anyone search for an image and finds your image.
Then you can get traffic from there also.

8) Set custom robots.txt

Previously we had set Custom robots header tags, this is similar to that it also tell crawlers on how to crawl and index your site.

But the difference here is that it is in .txt form and that was in HTML tags form.

There are other differences also like allowing AdSense bots to crawl your site and etc.

So follow the steps to set your custom robots.txt file ->
  • Go to settings, search preferences.
  • click on edit and enable custom robots.txt content
  • Now add the below code.
  • click on save changes
custom robots.txt code ->

User-agent: *

# Block
Disallow: /search

# Google AdSense
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

# Refers to the Homepage
Allow: /

# Sitemap 1
Final words

I would like to warn you to set the custom robots.txt and custom robots header tags as mentioned above because if you do mistake then search engine crawlers are going to act that way.

And if you do the right way then you get everything correct.

If you were unaware of these techniques then I' damm sure that you are going to get more traffic by applying these techniques.  

Hope you like the content if you have any doubt you can comment on the section below. 


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  2. hi nice post plz keep it up.

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